So I am sitting here watching the end of The Martian while my new dog and daughter play at my feet. It’s been a pretty quiet and somewhat productive 1st day of the year. I am reaching the end of my annual holiday break and I am really not ready to go back to the usual routine in a little more than a day. I don’t think any of us are. It’s going to be a rough 4 days getting back into things… also establishing a “regular” schedule with the dog who’s only been with us since just before Christmas.

I’ve just shouted “EASY!” for the 100th or so time today as the dog has leapt off the couch at full speed and charged across the house. Our previous dog died a year ago and it’s been really nice having canine companionship again. It’s also been downright frustrating as we are dealing with a full sized dog that acts like a puppy with very few puppy manners. But we adopted so… yay for us.

Last night I managed one final achievement of the year: I topped myself with cooking the best steak of my life (so far). I have this thing where I love to cook and I have personal pride in my ability to cook a really really good steak (among other things). I have a well established indirect grilling method that I use in conjunction with a spice blend of my own creation. Last night’s creation was done using a combination of Sou Vide and cast iron pan. Turned out beyond amazing. It wasn’t even fancy meat either.. just some basic Costco choice cut tenderloin.

Exhibit A:


I am really not ready to go back to work. I know I already said that but I really need to emphasize I am not ready to go back to work. Because I am not. Just not fucking ready.

Ok.. well nothing to be done about that. It is what it is.

So new year, new projects… I’ve got a dog to train, a house to work on, and a web magazine to build (more on that another time). I also have a new musical thing in the works but we’ll see how that goes. More than enough to keep me busy. Time to get going on all that…

But first.. I shall drink some tea.