Month: January 2017

365-Of-2017 January 8th

So I just came back in from watching the dog run all over the back yard. Just this weekend she graduated from having to be on the leash all the time to getting free reign over the fenced in property. Supervised, of course. It was late and the stars looked nice. I sat down in…

How I cook Epic Steak using Sou Vide

In the interest of a free and informative internet I will post my full method for how I cooked the most Epic steak in my relatively short life. This is one of two methods I currently use for cooking steak. My other method uses indirect grilling and a spice blend of my own creation. I’ll…

365-Of-2017 January 1st

So I am sitting here watching the end of The Martian while my new dog and daughter play at my feet. It’s been a pretty quiet and somewhat productive 1st day of the year. I am reaching the end of my annual holiday break and I am really not ready to go back to the…

The one where it becomes 2017

“So new year new me.” “2016 was horrible so thank god it is over. Yay for 2017.” I see so many people saying that about the new year. It seems like its the SAME people every year that do it. Oh this year will be better than last year. Blah blah blah. It’s bullshit. A year…

So I am going to do a thing every day…[edit] ok maybe not every day

Ello. It’s been a while since I put anything up here. I haven’t forgotten about this thing I just have not been in much of a mood to actually write anything. Which is interesting since one of the things I have wanted to do is write more.. kinda a paradox. I want to write more…